Definitions in Computer science

  1. Computer science – the science of information is the science of the structure and properties of information, methods of collecting, processing and transmitting information.
  2. Information is a reflection of the outside world through signs or signals.
  3. A signal is a way of transmitting information.
  4. An analog signal is a signal that continuously varies in amplitude and time.
  5. Encoding is the representation of information using a language.
  6. A code is a set of characters for representing information.
  7. Coding is the process of presenting information in the form of a code.
  8. A bit is the smallest unit of information measurement and is denoted by a binary number.
  9. Information resources — various formalized knowledge (theories, ideas, inventions), data (including documents), technologies and means of their collection, processing, analysis, interpretation and application, as well as exchange between sources and consumers of information.
  10. Information process is a sequence of actions (operations) for the collection, transmission, processing, analysis, allocation and use of information (and/or its carriers) for various purposes during the functioning and interaction of material objects.